Friday, May 25, 2012

Through a Rose-Colored Lens

The title of this post isn't really applicable; I just like the way it sounds.

Mom got a new professional quality camera! At Costco, of course. I've adopted it (although I'm not sure if Mom knows yet), but it still needs a name. Comment if you have any suggestions.

Anyways, I'm loving the camera, mostly for the close-ups and action shots :)

(I'm not about to hit my knee on the diving board, by the way.)
(P. S.-featured in this photo is my cousin, Hannah, of lets-talk-golf.blogspot com. You should check it out!)

(This is another cousin of mine, Kayleigh, of Read it and give her a little encouragement! Just tell her I sent you so you don't look like some random creeper :P)

(Meir was taking this picture. When I landed, I slammed my knee on her heeled sandals and it HURT! She laughed.)

What is the moral of this post? Go home, get a cool camera, and take pictures of yourself jumping on your bed.

Bye for now :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Challenge

My friend Elisa gave me a challenge.

First, let me tell you a little bit about Elisa. Her dad, Shannon Hurley, is the founder of S. O. S. (Sufficiency of Scripture) Ministries. The Hurley family is preaching the Word in Uganda. Since my church supports the Hurleys, they came to visit this past winter and I got to meet Elisa. Ever since then, we've kept up via email.

Elisa is a rare type of friend. She's not afraid to talk about her struggles, or to ask about mine. She has a way of encouraging you to do something without being pushy.

Her challenge was to share the Gospel with one person every day.

(Evangelism @ the Alamo, 2011)

It doesn't necessarily mean telling someone the Gospel story. Lots of the people I'm with have already heard it hundreds of times! It could be...

-Biblically [in love] confronting somebody on their sin, showing how it seperates them from God
-Evangelism at a public place
-Encouraging a fellow Believer to read their Bible or...SHARE THE GOSPEL!

...among other things. And don't forget, as I often do, that siblings have eternal souls too :) (Hey, that rhymes!)

*Gasp* Share the Gospel every day?! Isn't that a little radical?

No. In fact, it's the least we could be doing. The Gospel isn't just a feel good message. It's a matter of life and death.

I accepted Elisa's challenge. I know I won't be perfect, but God knows it too, and He won't let that limit Him. So I'm extending this challenge to you.

Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

~Matthew 28:19

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Fairy Tale

This is my latest art project :)

I experimented with a more whimsical pen and watercolor style, and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

When I showed this to my parents, the conversation was as follows:

Dad: Wow! That's impressive! I love how you did the colors on the dragons' wings-the one in the front.

Mom: Yeah, it makes them look iradescent.

Me: That's a pegasus. [headbang]

If you think my pretty purple pegasus looks like a dragon, please pretend you don't. (Notice the alliteration!)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


[DISCLAIMER: This is a longer first post than I intended to write. But it's really what's been on my heart lately, so buckle down!]

My friend Flo pointed out to me that Until We Have Faces is not only a book, but also a song. I should probably look that one up. I also realized by my own brilliant self that C. S. Lewis’s book is called TIl We Have Faces, not Until We Have Faces. Go figure. I can’t quote the title of my own favorite book.

That aside, I’ve pondered of late what “until we have faces” really means. The first thing that came to mind was the scene when Red Skull tears off his mask in Captain America. Did I ever mention that I used Captain America in two impromptu speeches this year? And in one of them I contrasted him with Iron Man. Yup J

Actually, that scene wouldn’t be a bad example if it weren’t such a negative one.

It seems like nobody has a face anymore. We all wear masks, and they can get pretty elaborate. Superficial conversations seem to be the limit; deep discussions with people about Spiritual struggles and God’s instruction are, at least for me, very rare. (This is largely my fault. I often fail to initiate these conversations.) Getting close to someone’s heart is touching their personal space. It’s not politically correct. So we have these fun, fluffy little chats where we portray ourselves has happy or-if we’re just that spiritual-blessed.

I have nothing against blogs, Facebook, twitter, or anything like that (obviously). But so often they only aid and abet this worldwide masquerade. We post pictures of us lookin’ snazzy, hanging with our buddies, and going on vacation. Our statuses are cute little quotes or blurbs about what we’ve been up to lately. Nobody sees the real us, the one that struggles and thinks and yearns for more than what this world has to offer. In fact, we’re encouraged to hide this true self and become a cultural cookie cutter.

Some unique individuals *cough* homeschoolers *cough cough* refuse to become cookie cutters but pride themselves in nerdy science fiction books, old TV shows, music, debate, art, poetry or whatever it may be. Those things become our identity. It’s still mask wearing. The masks are just special, or weird, depending on how you look at it.

Worst of all, even Christians are wearing masks. When we become believers, we are not only identified with Christ, but His spirit moves into our bodies and begins transforming our souls into his image. Galatians 1 says “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.” We are dead! Gone! We’ve been remade into something better, something that will someday be perfected and glorified. Christ is alive in us. But we try to hide it. We’re ashamed of our transformation. That shame is apparent because we refrain from telling people, even the people we care most for, about our change. It’s ridiculous when you really think about it.

When God commissioned us for His army, He didn’t call us to be spies. We’re soldiers. And there shouldn’t be any doubt about which side a soldier is fighting for.

Remember in Voyage of the Dawn Treader, when Eustace is turned into a dragon? The real Eustace is buried under layer upon layer of tough scales. This cover keeps him from living as the person he was created to be. Aslan has to help him tear of the scales, layer upon embedded layer. And it hurts. Oh, it burns more fiercely than anything Eustace has ever felt. The scales fall away, and Eustace is left raw and exposed. But he has been changed, and the real him, the part changed by Aslan, is shining through.

We wear masks for years and years, without taking them off for even a breath of fresh air. They grow into our faces. Tearing them away hurts-it means self-sacrifice. It means risking being hurt and misunderstood. But when we are willing to let our transformation shine unmasked, to be a real, deep person who’s not ashamed of their calling, God can really use us. Mom has a kitchen knife with a plastic cover. While trying to cut a tomato the other day, I made the astute observation that you have to take the cover off before the knife can be used.

As I write this, I am convicted. I’m still a mask wearer. But I want to change that. I want to stop the superficial conversations, and start living for what matters. I’m excited to see the face God is going to give me-and the one He’ll give you.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Hello Everybody!

I'm Aubrey. If you are looking at this blog, you probably know me already. If not, and you have accidentally stumbled across it, you have experienced serendipity.;) I'm delighted to meet you.

Basically, I'm absolutely elated to have a blog! This is my first. I'll probably post every other day or so, until the excitement settles down and the charm of it wears away. After that, who knows. It will be an adventure.

My goal is to make everything I post here worthwhile and glorifying to God-keep me accountable! I imagine there will be quite an interesting mixture. A few updates on my life and writing, enthusiastic book reccomendations mixed with vehement anti-reccomendations, photography, art, and thoughts on things like worship, prayer, friendships, loneliness, etc.

I do so solemnly swear...

1. NOT to turn this into a "me" blog, in which I always talk about nothing but myself. This is terribly easy to do.

2. NOT to write protracted posts. None of those endless ramblings that you put down when you can't think of anything eles to say...nope! Although, just to make it easier on myself, I won't define "rambling" ;)

3. NOT to try to be funny. I usually end up embarassing myself and creating awkward moments when I do this.

Before I conclude this introduction, some of you might be wondering about the title. It's from my favorite book, C. S. Lewis's brilliant retelling of the Greek myth Cupid and Psyche. I will not allow myself to say another word about it, because you MUST read it for yourself! Suffice it to say that you will not set it down unchanged.

Please read my blog-stick with me through the early stages until I start writing things worth reading, if I ever do. And comment. It will make my day.

Until We Have Faces,