Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hello There.

I might
(just maybe)
start to blog again


life is beautiful...

...and weird...

...and sometimes confusing.

         I've been learning how to think and pray and talk, things I thought I already knew how to do, but I didn't really. God is shaping me into the image of His Son and giving me a whole new perspective on the world-"In Your light do we see light!" (Psalm 36:9). Living this perspective comes first, and it's wonderful, even in the times it hurts because I have to relinquish my desires-especially in those times. But for me, not writing about life is impossible. When I keep the words inside, they get bored and start fistfights in my head. For real. And sometimes, when I do write things, I want to share them. Not always, but sometimes.

 So my little blog is revisited. And to be perfectly honest, more than anything else it's because I'm not afraid of being called a nerd anymore. (Seriously, name one high schooler who blogs and isn't homeschooled!) 

        I guess that's another part of the new perspective God is hammering into me, little by little. As Paul says, "If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Galatians 1:10) Even the tiny things, even writing and ignoring my insecurities, are part of becoming who God wants me to be, which is just a trifling, infinitesimal part of the BIG master plan to glorify Him. That's the purpose the world spins upon.

And so, here I am. Hello again!



  1. I am super excited! And totally honored to read your blog as a sneak peek! :) I can't wait to see what spins out of your head and onto the pages here! It is a blessing to me to watch you growing in the grace of God and applying His truth to your life. (I was tempted to use another explanation point, but I was afraid that might be overkill...)

    1. Aww, thanks Mrs. Franklin!! I overuse exclamation points too, so it's OK, we're kindred spirits here(; It's a blessing to me to have you in my life!!

  2. Fantastic post. I'm excited to learn about your faith journey.

    If you're interested, please stop by and say hello at my blog

    1. Gabrielle, I love your blog and I'm adding it to my reader!! Thank you for commenting(:
