Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Challenge

My friend Elisa gave me a challenge.

First, let me tell you a little bit about Elisa. Her dad, Shannon Hurley, is the founder of S. O. S. (Sufficiency of Scripture) Ministries. The Hurley family is preaching the Word in Uganda. Since my church supports the Hurleys, they came to visit this past winter and I got to meet Elisa. Ever since then, we've kept up via email.

Elisa is a rare type of friend. She's not afraid to talk about her struggles, or to ask about mine. She has a way of encouraging you to do something without being pushy.

Her challenge was to share the Gospel with one person every day.

(Evangelism @ the Alamo, 2011)

It doesn't necessarily mean telling someone the Gospel story. Lots of the people I'm with have already heard it hundreds of times! It could be...

-Biblically [in love] confronting somebody on their sin, showing how it seperates them from God
-Evangelism at a public place
-Encouraging a fellow Believer to read their Bible or...SHARE THE GOSPEL!

...among other things. And don't forget, as I often do, that siblings have eternal souls too :) (Hey, that rhymes!)

*Gasp* Share the Gospel every day?! Isn't that a little radical?

No. In fact, it's the least we could be doing. The Gospel isn't just a feel good message. It's a matter of life and death.

I accepted Elisa's challenge. I know I won't be perfect, but God knows it too, and He won't let that limit Him. So I'm extending this challenge to you.

Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

~Matthew 28:19

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